Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm currently doing my appraisal for the annual increase which I need to submit within this week....I didn't realize that it was really difficult to assess myself...honestly, I didn't want to do this task mainly because I already know what to write and my performance for 2008 is something that i am not proud of..2008 was really not a good year for me and I really didn't accomplish that much...i guess I really don't deserve a raise, but then again if they will grant it, ill definitely accept it!! (hehhee)...doing this task made me think about what i should do to improve and to at least motivate myself to work harder..so does this mean i should not resign???...well, I haven't decided yet..I'm currently still weighing my options..an hour has passed and I'm still on this appraisal...hopefully ill be able to finish this before my shift ends...

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